interface fft experimental sound art
Monday, January 17th, 2011werkstatt fuer experimentelle sound art at the forum freies theater in duesseldorf with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor. performance on saturday 18:00 22/01
werkstatt fuer experimentelle sound art at the forum freies theater in duesseldorf with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor. performance on saturday 18:00 22/01
together with hendrik we teach a disco robots workshop organized by dimension plus @ the taiwan university of arts taipeh. the first day i will also give a short performance with the rhythm-apparatus for the overhead projector, here is a small audio sample.
technical assistance by 助教:曾雨聲Bright Tzeng,蔡奇宏Chi-Hung Tsai
a four day workshop with 13 children on how to build radio transmitters and on how to produce content for the radio, together with ralf schreiber and hubert steins sponsored by staatskanzlei nrw und die sk-stiftung kultur.
children workshop with coffee and cake start 14:30, together with ralf schreiber as part of the robodonien festival in cologne
the international koernerstrassenfest 2010 was great, such a fantastic neighborhood!
workshop from the 28 of june till the 2nd of july togehther with ralf schreiber and pupils from the GGS Balthasarstraße, sponsored by Staatskanzlei NRW and the SK-Stiftung Kultur, Cologne.
starts sunday the 7 june 2010 at the Iowa City Public Library as part of the summer of the arts festival, next workshops at the iowa children’s museum Sunday, June 13 from 1-2pm and 3-4pm and Sunday, June 20 from 1-2pm and 3-4pm.
first workshop went great, here is a small article about the workshop on press citizen
at the moers festival the 21 may 2010 in the sideproject explore sight and sound
we present a workshop documentation of the workshop roboter bauen — roboter sein together with the sk-stiftung at the next level gaming conference in cologne. part of the documentation is an open overheadbots workshop.
disco robot workshop at mediamatic friday 09.04 and saturday 10.04. create your own dancing robot and enter the dancefloor.
disco robot workshop participants with their creations
finished a first working version of thermodynamic overheadbots the kerzenlicht kirmes
with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor at the piksel festival in bergen.
with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor at lab30 8. augsburger kunstlabor
schmelzolan workshops at mediamatic: kinetic robots and sound robots check here for a review
ateliers les insectes artificiels par l’equipe << bon(ne) appetence >> de l’atelier le balto.
workshop at 104 in paris.
a workshop on building kinetic schmelzolan objects at pickledfeet berlin
overheadbot workshop at the Iowa Arts Festival 2009
start of a overheadbot workshop series at the children’s museum in iowa