paper presentation at nime 2014

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

performance monochrome layering @ the sight and sound festival, montreal

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

performance with ray vibration at the sight and sound festival, montreal ca

crystal forming robots @ sight and sound festival montreal

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

the installation crystal forming robots on overhead will be on display at the sight and sound festival montreal ca.

lecture, workshop & performance at the faculty for design, university for applied science dortmund

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

[videojs mp4=”” width=”560″]

performance @ shintoys 2013

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

performance @ play festival, galerie ampersand

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

performance with jan arlt @ 10qm public art project

Friday, April 26th, 2013

danceimprovisation with double c @ alte feuerwache

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

dance improvisation with compagnie double c (Chrystel GUILLEBEAUD, Chun-Hsien WU ) produced by gerngesehen with support from Kulturamt der Stadt Köln.

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes @ audiotopias – fft-düsseldorf

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes exhibition & workshop at forum freies theater düsseldorf

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes @ lab30

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes exhibition & workshop at lab30

discorobot workshop at shinytoys space

Friday, October 19th, 2012

workshop starts saturday at 1 pm, register here

beeswax performance at the tik festival

Friday, May 11th, 2012

performance with ralf schreiber at the tik-festival in brussels

workshop needle felting

Friday, February 10th, 2012

needle felting is a very basic repair and crafting technique. i first discovered it in the diy-exhibition in frankfurt and here is a link to the project i saw there (thanks to verena kuni for providing the link). the workshop is part of the exhibition gute ware lobt sich selbst at kunstraum22 in cologne. bring […]

isea satelite workshop audiovisual experiments with the overhead projector

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

thanks to the shinytoys festival and the ringlokschuppen mülheim we can offer the workshop audiovisual experiments with the overhead projector (with ralf schreiber and tina tonagel) more info here: isea and here: shinytoys

hackteria lab 2011

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

travelling to romainmotier with the mobile projector setup to reproject nature onto itself as part of the hackterialab 2011  

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes released

Monday, July 25th, 2011

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes is a revolutionary product. it is the new social medium to get in touch with your friends and to have fun.  

werdeteildesgesamtwiderstandes release workshop @ körnerstrassenfest international 2011

Monday, July 25th, 2011


garden performance on the körnerstrasse @k18

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

lecture, performance, workshop @ the design academy eindhoven

Monday, May 23rd, 2011


workshop roboter bauen roboter sein @ clubtransmediale

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

children workshop from 03/02/-05/02 together with ralf schreiber and cordula körber, clubtransmediale, hebbel am ufer berlin. performance presentation hau3, 15:00 06/02

interface fft experimental sound art

Monday, January 17th, 2011

werkstatt fuer experimentelle sound art at the forum freies theater in duesseldorf with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor. performance on saturday 18:00 22/01

first issue of teenagebots is out

Monday, November 1st, 2010

熱舞機械人工作坊與表演 disco robot workshop&performance

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

together with hendrik we teach a disco robots workshop organized by  dimension plus @ the taiwan university of arts taipeh. the first day i will also give a short performance with the rhythm-apparatus for the overhead projector, here is a small audio sample. 「撼未來-人文數位創意工作坊」 technical assistance by 助教:曾雨聲Bright Tzeng,蔡奇宏Chi-Hung Tsai

sender und empfänger — radio geschichten selbstgemacht

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

a four day workshop with 13 children on how to build radio transmitters and on how to produce content for the radio, together with ralf schreiber and hubert steins sponsored by staatskanzlei nrw und die sk-stiftung kultur.

it cheeps and chirps, autonomous solarpowered soundmachines

Monday, June 7th, 2010

workshop from the 28 of june till the 2nd of july togehther with ralf schreiber and pupils from the GGS Balthasarstraße, sponsored by Staatskanzlei NRW and the SK-Stiftung Kultur, Cologne.

iowa overheadbot workshops series 2010

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

starts sunday the 7 june 2010 at the Iowa City Public Library as part of the summer of the arts festival, next workshops at the iowa children’s museum Sunday, June 13 from 1-2pm and 3-4pm and Sunday, June 20 from 1-2pm and 3-4pm. first workshop went great, here is a small article about the workshop […]

performance with kunst und musik mit dem tageslichtprojektor

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

at the moers festival the 21 may 2010 in the sideproject explore sight and sound

workshop at the next level gaming conference

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

we present a workshop documentation of the workshop roboter bauen — roboter sein together with the sk-stiftung at the next level gaming conference in cologne. part of the documentation is an open overheadbots workshop.

disco robot workshop at mediamatic

Monday, April 5th, 2010

disco robot workshop at mediamatic friday 09.04 and saturday 10.04. create your own dancing robot and enter the dancefloor.  

new work — kerzenlicht kirmes

Friday, February 19th, 2010

finished a first working version of thermodynamic overheadbots the kerzenlicht kirmes